

Hilary has the human sparks of hope and joy and sadness, radiantly captured by actress Tessa Klein….Klein is the ace in Matt Torney’s… production….As played by Klein…Hilary owns her ideas down to her soul. Fueled by a fervent curiosity that Klein registers in inspired smiles and restrained tears, Hilary grapples with both science and faith…“The Hard Problem” pays worthwhile dividends.
-“The Washington Post”
Klein is gorgeously truthful as Hilary.
-“MD Theatre Guide”
Hilary’s painful past rears its head bringing her more doubt and sorrow, and Klein’s performance enacting the depth of that sorrow feels raw and real.
-“Metro Weekly”
“Tessa Klein is excellent as Hilary”
“Klein is the universal exception; everyone she touches comes alive”
“An exquisitely scintillating and astonishingly affecting production
"Tessa Klein, as Valerie...elicits the deepest emotions. Her sense of loss is profound"
-The New York Times
"The Weir is carefully structured to build up to Valerie's big scene, and Ms. Klein knows how to deliver the payoff. Even during the first part of the play your eyes keep flicking to her, and you wont be able to look away once she takes center stage. Her colleagues are all strong, but it's Ms. Klein you'll be thinking about the next day"
-The Wall Street Journal
"A riveting and raw turn by Tessa Klein"
- NY1
"Klein is spooky good- believable and natural at every moment"
- NY Daily News
"When Klein, in an excellent performance as Valerie...in this first rate revival"
- Huffington Post
"The exception is Klein, who does aching justice to Valerie's storyi n an account of tragedy so poignant that it makes the men shut up. In an Irish play, that qualifies as a miracle."
- New York Post
Tessa Klein’s brash but subtle performance…she carries herself with a dignity that’s cool and breezy
- DCTheatreScene
“Tessa Klein proves exemplary”
-The Washington Post
(Klein is)…"a thoroughly modern vixen "
"She was outstanding in ("Philadelphia Here I come") and is extraordinary in this...She goes on the short list of regional theater actors worth traveling to see"
-The Wall Street Journal
"Klein marvelously combines pert sauciness with innocent vulnerability...She's wondrous indeed"
-Backstage A Touch of the Poet"
"Klein is ideal as the mermaid like Promise. Her presence onstage is powerful as she entrances the audience with her uncanny other worldliness"
- Cape Cod Chronicle for "Promise"
"Tessa Klein takes a star turn as Annie"
- MD Theatre Guide for "The Call"
"Endearingly cheeky production...Annie...is the appealing Tessa Klein"
- Washington Post for "The Rise and Fall of Annie Hall"
"Laugh out loud funny...I don't think I've seen a 'late night' discussion more real than the one (between) Henry and his girlfriend Annie, the engaging Tessa Klein"
- DCist for "The Rise and Fall of Annie Hall"
"Lustrous beauty, good humor...a priceless scene where Hera and Athena pay a visit to a beglittered Aphrodite (Tessa Klein), who outdoes Kimora Lee Simons in the fabulosity department"
- Washington Times for "Argonautika"
"Tessa Klein does a good job with the difficult role of Sara, who is cruel and tender and full of ambition"
- The New York Times for "A Touch of the Poet"